A clear account..

...in random ranting, of what is wrong with the world today, and maybe even what can be done about it.
Come join the fruitless and often prejudiced slinging match, that will undoubtedly ensue!

Thursday 4 March 2010


The bias in favour of the Playstation 3 for Final Fantasy 13 is really getting to me.
Sony have had the monopoly on Square Enix in the past, now they no-longer do.
How about mixing it up a little folks hmmm?
Also, I am FULLY aware that the Playstation 3 is technically superior in one or two factors. Bloody hell, you won't LET me be un-aware. But why does that meen you have to beat down the XBox? You win. What's your problem?
Sadly I have a CRT television, so I'm missing nothing at all playing FF13 on an Xbox.. But i'm gaining money on the price of my console.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Britain's Attitude to Technology and the Internet.

There's no answer to this, but it's plainly obvious to me.
Anybody in a position of responsibility, or earning a lot of money in the city, seem to treat technology with scorn and mockery.
Why is this?
Are they scared of it?
They seem to be really bothered about showing any kind of interest in it.

Peter Mandelson want's to have massive control over peoples internet service.
He wants to choke people who use a lot of internet.
He probably thinks he's really smart and has done his homework on this.
He's wrong.
Most games on the PC are obtained from Download services.
Infact "Game" have reduced their stock and profile on PC game sales, as a direct result of this. A bad idea I think, because not everyone is the same.
But then, I suspect, if he was ever told this small fact, I expect he reacted with scorn.


Sunday 31 January 2010

My God I hate SKINS!!!!



Meanwhile, a British couple are held hostage by Somali pirates, and all they want is £2M.
Two Million quid...
Hell, Apple made 15 BILLION DOLLARS of revenue in this quarter. (Love the new iPad by the way guys)
Come ON!
One of you cough up, eh?
You wouldnt notice the dent. A bunch of Somali guys would be happy for about 3 months.. oh, yeah, and you'd be allowing two INNOCENT people to come home and be together with thier family again.
Lets face it.. We owe the third world a bit of cash eh?

Ok then, first.. Bankers Bonuses!

Yes, yes, that old chestnut.
Why the fuck have we stopped talking about this?
Why the fuck are Centre of London bankers (not High street bankers, as the Tories keep saying they will cut the bonuses of) still getting OUTRAGEOUS Bonuses?
What do they need it for for crying out loud?
This country is in terrible debt, and many many more people than there were 10 years ago are out of work, living on hand outs, and only just getting by!
The tax payer (a percentage of who are now those jobless people) payed money into the bank, because of these mistakes the bankers made..
And they're still employed.
Still getting filthy rich.
Probably making all the same mistakes again no doubt.
While we all struggle..
What in Gods name do they think gives them the right to DEMAND these hand outs?
It's sick!
All that money that they neither need, nor deserve is not even the fucking banks to give them.
BANKERS?! Learn to fucking live like normal people you bastards.
You have become arrogant, fat and greedy. Less than 50 years ago, banking was something you did carefully, and with pride. You were custodians of the countries money. I don't know what the hell happened, but you're acting like nothing more than filthy criminals.